Onze zondagochtend op a Quinta da Lage
begon met een stevige, warme wind.
Hoe ´toevallig´ aangezien we bijna de Nieuwe Maan
in Waterman naderen.
Waterman is een luchtteken en staat bekend om onder andere
plotselinge veranderingen, ingevingen, vernieuwing en vrijheid.
Binnen de numerologie hoort hierbij het getal 4..
Just another walk on
this beautiful Sunday
because we slept
till our body was rested
and we had our ´´sunday pancake morning´´
sitting outdoors as mother and child moment
Just another weekend
where these ´´weekends´´ feel so weird
and I don't know why..
Feeling so blessed
by living on a big land
and still feel so captured
and getting poisoned
by eating mushrooms
from this land
What do you want to tell me
Mother Nature??
Deep down I do feel
the answers to that
while receiving guidance
trough symbolism
and synchronicity
from the Universe
het is de Wind van Verfrissing
with just another
daily walk
with nature
which never feels Daily.
Mother Nature
gives us
what we need
in the now
~Samudra Arachchi
